Meet the Team: The Faces Behind Our Drinks at EthicDrinks

16 February 2024

EthicDrinks was created four years ago by Mickaël and his wife Camille.

Our mission is to make the world of wine more respectful of the environment by adopting a sustainable development approach for the planet and for consumers.

We select our partner winegrowers from all over France by buying in bulk, and then blend the wines in our cellar in Bordeaux.

Our bottles are made from recycled glass, which makes them lighter and reduces carbon emissions. They are certified zero-plastic: no capsules, no adhesive labels thanks to vegetable glue, paper and corks from sustainable forests and FSC-certified.


At EthicDrinks, our commitment to quality and sustainability begins with the people who shape every aspect of our business. We’re proud to introduce you to the dynamic, passionate faces behind the creation of our exceptional beverages.

Mickaël Alborghetti – Founder and Wine Maker

Mickaël, our visionary founder, embodies a passion for innovation and the creation of quality products. His expertise in the world of wine has led to the design of unique beverages that reflect his commitment to ethics and sustainability.

Camille Alborghetti – Founder

Camille, co-founder of EthicDrinks, shares Mickaël’s vision and brings an infectious passion for refined, ethical beverages. Her dedication to the company is reflected in every aspect of our mission.

Alison and Lou – International Export Managers

Alison and Lou, our international export experts, are EthicDrinks’ ambassadors around the world. Their hard work ensures that our beverages satisfy discerning palates worldwide.

Marine – Sales France

Marine and Gauthier are the smiling faces who represent EthicDrinks on the French market. Their commitment to customer service and in-depth knowledge of our products contribute to the satisfaction of our local customers.

Myriam – Administrative Manager

Myriam, our administrative pillar, ensures the smooth running of our day-to-day operations. Her precision and professionalism play an essential role in maintaining the efficiency of the whole company.

Anaïs – Communications and Marketing Manager

Anaïs, a communications and marketing expert, brings the EthicDrinks story to life. Her creative and innovative work allows us to share our ethical commitment with the world.

Paul-Emile Costa – Sourcing and Winegrower Relations Manager

Paul-Emile embodies our commitment to sustainable practices as Sourcing Manager. His job is to establish close relationships with our winemakers, guaranteeing the highest quality ingredients in every one of our beverages.

At EthicDrinks, each member of our team brings unique expertise and a passionate commitment to our shared mission. Together, we work every day to offer beverages that reflect our ethical values and satisfy the most discerning palates. Thank you for being part of our ethical journey!


Cheers to the planet


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