Les mobilités durables : quelles alternatives aux transports polluants ?

17 août 2022

How and what to drink for a pregnant woman with kidney diseases

With kidney diseases such as pyelonephritis, urolithiasis, it is impossible to limit the amount of fluid consumed in any way. This applies even to pregnant women with such diseases. Water should be drunk so that urine is not too concentrated and does not stagnate in the kidneys for a long time. In such diseases, the volume of urine and its concentration must meet strict requirements. That is, the amount of liquid consumed cannot be limited, you still need to drink a lot. But how, in this case, can a pregnant woman avoid the appearance of edema? A salt-free diet can help the expectant mother. That is, salt should be completely excluded from the diet. The drink should be chosen carefully. The best option is kidney fees, which have weak anti-inflammatory properties and a diuretic effect. This is cranberry or lingonberry juice, a decoction of lingonberry leaf, a decoction of currant leaf. Experts recommend to women with kidney diseases that all their drinking should consist of kidney drinking. If there is no salt in the diet, then the liquid will not linger in the body. And the diuretic effect that kidney drinking has will contribute to the rapid elimination of excess fluid from the body. A pregnant woman should not use strong diuretics, as this can lead to severe dehydration of the body, which is dangerous for the fetus.
It is important that the expectant mother prepare herself psychologically for all the hardships of her condition. It is not necessary to accept the necessary restrictions as a sacrifice or a feat. The expectant mother is responsible not only for herself, but also for the unborn child. All necessary measures and restrictions are vital for the baby's health. It is worth preparing in advance for changes in the diet, stock up on recipes for salt-free dishes. In no case should you violate the doctor's requirements, even if they do not seem necessary and understandable to you. After all, in this case, complications may suddenly arise. It is better to ask the doctor why he makes this or that appointment. Pregnancy is not a disease. If you treat your limitations as a torment, then you will constantly be tormented by thirst and ill health. Look at what is happening from the other side. Giving up salty foods, which are often not very useful for all people, is a great time to strengthen health and a gift for appearance. Changes in a pregnant woman should first of all occur in consciousness. Then forced measures will bring less suffering, they will be understandable and accepted by the expectant mother naturally and painlessly. Everything you do on the recommendation of a doctor during pregnancy is aimed, of course, only at achieving one important goal: the preservation and safe course of pregnancy, childbirth without complications, the birth of a healthy child. escortannonce.net/sexemodel/

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