Commitment - EthicDrinks

Our purpose is to make the world of wine more respectful of the environment by being part of a sustainable development approach for the planet and for the consumers.

Our approach is commited on following these 5 objectives:

1. Limit and offset our carbon emissions for a greener planet

2. Ban the use of plastic within the entire company

3. Engage with NGO's through commitmed actions and donations of a portion of our profits

4. Promote only organic wines or wines with a certified environmental label.

5. Continue to act for the preservation of biodiversity

We are accompanied and certified by TOOVALU for the realization of this assessment.
This is essential to take into account all emissions.

Each emission is divided into one of 3 categories:

  • Scope 1 (for direct emissions linked to the manufacture of products),
  • Scope 2 (indirect emissions related to energy consumption)
  • Scope 3 (other indirect emissions: the team’s lifestyle, transportation, end of life of products, etc.).

In total, EthicDrinks emitted 128 tons of CO2 in 2019, which we are reducing and offsetting through various actions… 

tons of CO2
released in 2020
tons of CO2 offset with the plantation at St Emilion
tons of plastic were saved

To reduce the emissions generated during product manufacturing, we have strict and complete specifications:

  • Zero plastic for all the activity
  • No capsules for less waste.
  • No adhesive labels (too much waste thrown away after the label is applied)
  • FSC-certified paper labels and corks from sustainable, recycled and recyclable forests
  • Use of vegetable and natural glue
  • Lightweight bottle from recycled glass
  • Recycled and recyclable kraft tape for our shipments
  • Green logistics: by train for France and Europe and engaged with TOWT
    the first sailing transport for large exports
  • For short trips: trucks running on bio-ethanol/grape marc waste
  • We supply grape marc waste to a vegan shoe brand,

    Minuit Sur Terre, which uses this material in the soles of its sneakers (vegetable “leather”)

How do we act ?

  • On a local scale, we are committed to the CNPF to plant 2 hectares of locust trees in Saint-Émilion in Gironde.
  • Thus, more than 300 tons of CO2 will be compensated.
  • In addition to adopting a 100% ecological approach, we offset our carbon emissions by planting trees in Peru with Reforest’action.

We are also partners with other associations:

  • We donate a part of our revenue to 1% for the Planet
  • And we participate in the protection of the Mediterranean Sea with WWF.
  • To protect the oceans and fight against plastic waste, we have recently joined the Surfrider adventure.

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